Arup Bose

Centre for Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, MAHE, Manipal, India


Statistics and Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 203 B. T. Road, Kolkata 700108, India.

Research Interests: Economics: Information economics, Moral hazard problems and incentives.
Econometrics: Large dimensional time series, Resampling in time series, Asymptotics of autocovariance matrices, Spectral inference.
Probability: Large dimensional random matrices, Free Probability, Extreme values.
Statistics: High Dimensional Data, Resampling.

Achievements: Professor completed his M. Stat. (1980) and PhD (1987) from the Indian Statistical Institute. He has been an Associate Editor of Proceedings of Mathematical Science, Indian Academy of Sciences, Statistical Methodology, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Probability Letters, IMS Collection, Institute of Mathematical Statistics USA and Editor of Sankhya. He was an editorial Board Member of Lecture Note Series of Ramanujan Mathematical Society for 5 years, referee of FONDECYT (Chile), NSF (USA), US-Israel BSF, DST and CSIR proposals, leading econometrics, probability and statistics journals, reviewer for Mathematical Reviews since 1985. He is an elected Member of International Statistical Institute (elected in 2018), Bernoulli Society Council Member, 2015–2019. He has given invited talks in the national and international workshop/conference. He has got S.S. Bhatnagar Award in the Mathematical Sciences, CSIR Govt. of India 2004, the most well-known yearly scientific honour for Indian scientists below 45 years.
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