Dr. R. Balakrishnan

Centre for Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, MAHE, Manipal, India

Adjunct Professor

Department of Mathematics Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli - 620024.

Email: mathrb13@gmail.com
Research Interests: Algebraic Graph Theory, Decompositions of graphs, Spectral Graph Theory, Graph Coloring, Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics.
Achievements: Dr. R. Balakrishnan received his PhD in 1968 from the University of Maryland, USA. Since then he has authored thee books, co-edited six book on Modern Algebra, Graph theory, Discrete Mathematics etc. He has organized around twenty International Conferences focusing mainly on Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory. He has guided ten research students towards their PhD. Balakrishnan has published 75 research articles. He has delivered 14 invited talks on his research area. He is one of the founders of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society which is now in its 35th year. More details...

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