Emeritus Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
McGill University,
Email: styan@math.mcgill.ca
Research Interests: Matrices and statistics, with particular emphasis on canonical correlations, canonical efficiency factors in experimental design, Cauchy--Schwarz inequality, Craig--Sakamoto theorem, Efficiency of ordinary least squares, Frucht--Kantorovich, Laguerre--Samuelson, and related inequalities, Generalized inverses, Hadamard products, Matrix inequalities, Matrix partial orderings, Matrix rank additivity and subtractivity, Optimality of ordinary least squares, Rank equalities and inequalities, Schur complements.
Achievements: George P. H. Styan has a long and honourable career in Mathematics. He has served on the Editorial Boards of many scientific journals. He has published ten books and more than 160 papers are in peer-reviewed journals. He is a member of the International Editorial Board - Research Group on Mathematical Inequalities and Applications. He was Joint Editor of European Aviation News, Overseas Civil Register News, European Aviation News, Advisory Editor of Chance Magazine, Book Reviews Editor of The Canadian Journal of Statistics, Associate Editor of Far East Journal of Mathematics, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Journal of Statistics & Management Systems, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, Communications in Statistics, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Istatistik–Journal of the Turkish Statistical Association, Linear Algebra and its Applications, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, SSC Liaison–The Newsletter of the Statistical Society of Canada, Corresponding Editor of The IMS Bulletin. Also, he has served as Editor in Chief, Abstracting Editor, Managing Editor and over 14 Special Issues Guest Edited.
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