Speaker Details of Dr. Andrzej Janusz for the event IWMS 2021

Dr. Andrzej Janusz

Assistant Professor & Chief Data Scientist

University of Warsaw, Poland

Email: andrzej.janusz@qed.pl
Research Interests: Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Feature selection, representation learning, rough sets
Achievements: Andrzej Janusz is an active and experienced researcher in the fields of science related to data exploration, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. In 2014 Andrzej received his PhD in computer science from the University of Warsaw, where he currently holds a position of assistant professor.
He participated in several R&D projects funded by NCBR, related to such topics as semantic indexing of scientific publications, assessment of threats during fire&rescue operations performed by the State Fire Service and active monitoring of safety conditions in underground coal mines. In his research, Andrzej cooperated with scientists from several academic centers in Poland and abroad, such as e.g., the Silesian University of Technology, Main School of Fire Service, the University of Granada and Dalhousie University.
A co-founder of Knowledge Pit – an online platform where Andrzej organizes open data mining challenges aimed at solving complex real-life problems. More details...

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