Speaker Details of Dr. Arumugam S. for the event IWSMGA 2023

Dr. Arumugam S.

Adjunct Professor

Ramco Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India

Email: s.arumugam.klu@gmail.com
Research Interests: Network Analysis, Graph Theory and its applications, Fuzzy logic and its applications to pattern recognition, Topology , Geometry and Visual Cryptography, Social Network Analysis, Biological Networks
Achievements: He has more than 250 publications and more than 20 books. Most of these books are prescribed as text books by the Boards of Studies for the undergraduate courses in various universities and autonomous colleges throughout Tamil Nadu, India. He has successfully completed 6 projects. He has organized more than 25 national and international seminars/conferences. He has delivered over 350 invited talks/guest lectures across the globe. He has been conferred Life Time Achievement Award by GATR, Malaysia during the closing ceremony of 4th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences held at Dubai during November 14-15, 2016. Experts from USA, South Africa and Finland are engaged in identifying Founders of Graph Theory (Country Wise). In the tentative list Prof. S. Arumugam is included as a Founder of Graph Theory in India. He has served as a referee for research papers in several national and international journals. He is an Editor-in-chief of AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics. More details...

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