Speaker Details of Prof. R. B. Bapat for the event IWSMGA 2023

Prof. R. B. Bapat

Professor & Adjunct Professor

Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 7, S.J.S. Sansanwal Marg, New Delhi 110 016, India

Email: rbb@isid.ac.in
Research Interests: Matrices and Graphs, Nonnegative Matrices, Matrix Inequalities and Generalized Inverses
Achievements: He has published more than 140 research papers in these areas in reputed national and international journals and guided three Ph.D. students. He has written books on Linear Algebra, published by Hindustan Book Agency, Springer and Cambridge University Press. He wrote a book on Mathematics for the general reader, in Marathi, which won the state government award for best literature in Science for 2004. Prof. Bapat has been on the editorial boards of Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics and Bulletin of Kerala Mathematical Association. He has been elected Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore and Indian National Science Academy, Delhi. Prof. Bapat served as President of the Indian Mathematical Society during its centennial year 2007-2008. For the past several years he has been actively involved with the Mathematics Olympiad Program in India and served as the National Coordinator for the Program. Prof. Bapat served as Head, ISI Delhi Centre, during 2007-2011. He was awarded the J.C. Bose fellowship in 2009. More details...

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