Speaker Details of Dr. Raj K. Bhatnagar for the event ICBAOR 2019

Dr. Raj K. Bhatnagar


Professor of Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computing Systems, University of Cincinnati, USA

Email: Raj.Bhatnagar@uc.edu
Research Interests: Data mining and pattern recognition problems
Achievements: He completed his B.Tech in IIT Delhi, India (1979) and PhD in University of Maryland, USA (1989). He worked as a Visiting Professor in many institutions and he has taken many administrative responsibilities along with teaching profession at University of Cincinnati such as Graduate Program Director of CS Department and ECECS Department, Director of UG Computer Science Program, Co-Director of Graduate Certificate in BioInformatics, Assoc. School Director and Graduate Program Director School of Computing Sciences and Informatics, Interim Department Head, Computer Science Department.
His primary focus areas of my research has been: (i) Data and text mining and analysis for various types of data (ii) Pattern and knowledge discovery in distributed databases and (iii) High performance data analysis algorithms for big data and cloud computing environments, and (iv) Data mining and analysis algorithms for various domains including, Bioinformatics, Geographic Information Systems, Manufacturing, and Business. The research projects has been conducted in various collaborations over the years and has touched almost all areas in which intelligent data analysis serves as an enabler. He has worked on a number of research problems over the years and has guided over fourteen Ph.D. and more than eighty M.S. thesis students. He has given invited talks in many institutions and universities. More details...

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