Speaker Details of Dr. Simo Puntanen for the event IWSMGA 2025
Dr. Simo Puntanen
Visiting Professor
Tampere University, Finland
Email: simo.puntanen@uta.fi Research Interests: Matrix methods in statistics, Generalized inverses, Canonical correlations
Achievements: He was a Senior Researcher of the Academy of Finland in 1992--1995. His main research interest lies on matrix methods in statistics, with particular emphasis on linear statistical models. He has published more than 130 papers, co-authored two books, co-edited eight books and 16 journal special issues, and is a member of four journal editorial boards. He has served in scientific or organizing committees of 65 conferences and workshops. Jointly with George P.H. Styan, he is a founding member of the series of the International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics.
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