Speaker Details of Dr. Adi Ben-Israel for the event ALAPS 2020

Dr. Adi Ben-Israel

Professor Emeritus

Management Science & Information Systems, Rutgers Business School, Room 5184, RBS Building, 100 Rockafeller Road, Livingston Campus, Piscataway, NJ

Email: adi.benisrael@gmail.com
Research Interests: Mathematics: Convexity and Inequalities, Matrix Theory.
Optimization Theory: Nonsmooth Analysis, Symbolic Computation.
Applied Mathematics: Numerical Linear Algebra, Linear and Nonlinear Programming.
Statistics: Clustering and Classification, Stochastic Optimal Control and Dynamic Programming.
Economics: Mathematical Economics, Economics of Uncertainty.
Operations Research: Facilities Location. Management of Natural Resources.
Achievements: Adi Ben-Israel received his PhD from Northwestern University, United States (1962). He has published over 5 books in his specialized area and 3 books are in preparation. He has published more than 160 articles in various reputed journals such as Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, American Mathematics Monthly, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications and Linear Algebra and its Applications. He has been a Visiting Professor at many institutes, universities across the globe including India. He was awarded by Fulbright Professorship in India (1995), held a Distinguished Chair in Mathematics, University of Delaware (1976-1988) and served as Professor and Chairman of Applied Mathematics, Technion (1970-1975).
He has supervised more than 21 PhD students and 11 MSc students. He has been Editor of Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, an International Journal and Series Editor of Computation in Education: Mathematics, Science and Engineering, Gordon & Breach Publishers. More details...

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